
胡琬芝 Brubey Hu



教育2018-2020 加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)纯艺术系硕士在读 2013-2017 美国马里兰艺术学院(Maryland Institute College of Art)纯艺术学士学位

个展2020 Thesis Exhibition, University of Waterloo Art Gallery, Waterloo, ON, Canada2019 Once, Twofold, Art Incubate, Waterloo, ON, Canada

部分群展2019-2020 Brush with Art, Department of Fine Arts, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada2019 Hot Girl Summer, The Artery, East Campus Hall, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada2019 Fresh Paint / New Construction 15th Edition, Art Mûr, Montréal, QC, Canada2019 桃花潭艺术创作营展览, 中国安徽省合肥市徽园2018 Le Petit Déjeuner, The Artery, East Campus Hall, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada2018 26 Days, Project Space, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Banff, AB, Canada2018 Waterloo Arts Juried Exhibition 2018, Waterloo Arts Gallery, Cleveland, OH, USA2017 Plus/And, MICA Commencement Exhibition, Main Building #330, MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA2017 Waterloo Arts Juried Exhibition 2017, Waterloo Arts Gallery, Cleveland, OH, USA2017 Fertile Ground: Artists Respond to a Collective Geography, Pinkard Gallery, Bunting Center, MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA2016 Preview, Lazarus IV Center, MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA2016 Star Project, presented by Art-tree Museum, in association with China National Art Funds, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA2016 Baltimore Art Rising, Bronze Gallery, MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA2015 Washed Out, Phoebe Gallery, Baltimore, MD, USA2015 Junior Independent Show, Fox Building, MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA

驻留2019 中国安徽第四届桃花潭艺术家创作营驻留2018 加拿大班芙艺术中心 BAiR Emerging 驻留

获奖2019-2020 President’s Graduate Scholarship (PGS), University of Waterloo, Canada2019-2020 Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Joseph-Armand Bombardier Graduate Scholarship (CGS-M), University of Waterloo, Canada2019 Keith and Win Shantz International Research Scholarship, University of Waterloo, Canada2019 Untapped Emerging Artist Award, The Artist Project, Toronto, Canada2018 Louis Muhlstock Endowment, Banff Centre, Canada2013–2017 Dean's List, MICA, USA2013–2017 Presidential Scholarship, MICA, USA2013–2017 Starr Foundation Scholarship, MICA, USA2013–2017 Dean's Grant, MICA, USA2014–2015 Foundation Departmental Recognition Award, MICA, USA