The Space Between: Struggle

综合材料 / 画布 丙烯 麦穗 金箔 羽毛 油画 / 240×135cm / 2021





This piece is a part of the series “The Space Between”, in which I am trying to use animal symbolism to convey basic concepts that are not seen with the naked eye. This piece represents struggle, something that we all go through in life, though every person’s struggles are different, each person’s “demons” are different. What I find interesting in this piece is that people always describe themselves as the eagle on the ground, no one ever associates with the eagle that is attacking from above. We all view struggles from our own standpoints, and rarely think of ourselves as causing others to struggle. Whether we are the attacker or the defender, there are benefits to both sides, the eagle above has the advantage of height, while the eagle below has the advantage of a firm ground under his feet. The eagle above has long and lethal talons that can rip the other eagle apart, but the eagle below has a strong, sharp beak with which he can latch onto and tear at the other eagle. Life is struggle, and though we all face attacks and hard battles, we are also all equipped with advantages and disadvantages, with strengths and weaknesses. Struggle is a fact of life, though many want to avoid or deny it, and it is one of the most unescapable aspects of nature and reality.


标签 争斗老鹰羽毛金箔油画



