Forest Scapes

素描 / 素描纸 炭笔 / 90×50cm / 2019





There’s something about the forests of Northern America that is particularly mysterious and alluring. The creatures live life moving through the forests and mountains, the days and seasons, the shifts of day into night and night into day. The most active times for many animals are at dawn and dusk, which also is the time when the light is unclear and details are often obscured by mists, making the movement of the animals almost feel like spirits coming and going at the edge of reality. You can follow them, but they will elude you, or you can sit in stillness and wait for them to come to you, savoring the short but lasting experience of touching their presence.

Once when I was a child I was waiting for the bus to go to school, it was a very foggy morning, I could only see about 3 meters in front of me, and as I stood waiting, all the world silent and obscured around me, suddenly a blue heron swept out of the mist, flying low, arching toward me and then away back into the mist, leaving only the swirling of the fog as evidence of its momentary touch to my life. This image has stayed with me as a deep impression of the things that can be experienced if we take the time to be silent and still in the natural world. These experiences are becoming fewer and farther in-between in this modern world, but whether or not to have them is a CHOICE that we can all make, though it is not in our nature to stop and wait for them to come to us in the course of time.



标签 素描森林鹿晚上欧美





