
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy

1949: 在乌克兰出生
1956-1965: 在埃纳基沃的美术工作室学习 (乌克兰)
1969: 哈尔科夫国立艺术学校毕业 (坦佩特教授,乌克兰)
1972-1984: 曾多次参加在苏联国内和国外著名的个人和集体展览
1973-1975: 苏联当代艺术展(东京,九州,日本)
1973-1984: 在谢德涅夫艺术中心的创意之旅(切尔尼戈夫州首府,乌克兰)。与康斯坦 丁·洛米金, 费多·扎哈罗夫, 尼古拉·格卢申科, 维克多·沙塔林, 塔季扬 娜·雅勃隆斯卡娅杰出画家一起工作,同时向他们学习。
1985-1993: 国际当代艺术展 (阿尔及利亚)
1987: 乌克兰全国艺术家联盟成员
1992: 圣彼得堡画派艺术家作品展 (ARCOLE画廊,巴黎,法国)
2003-2005: 在基辅乌克兰的圣乔治大教堂的修道院圣乔治大教堂的维杜比斯基修道院
2007-2020: 外光派画法画展 (在乌克兰和国外)



1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)