Vitrines#Nelson Rodgers

其他 / 故事,文字,物体,装置,社会雕塑 / 200×120cm / 2011 / 共1版





<Vitrines#Nelson Rodgers>

1. This broken Imperial Vodka bottle was found outside Cost Cutters in Colliers Wood, South London. It has been evidenced by CCTV footage in the area that Nelson Rodgers had pur- chased and drank the bottle of vodka on the premises of the store. Reports of an incident involving Nelson and the shop owner is believed to have led to its being broken against the shops outer glass window. Rem- nants of the bottle have thus been restored and protected in their found state.

2. This folded up hairclip and thin piece of folded wire were found in his upper left jacket pocket. These would have been used by Nelson as lock picking tools. Due to its increased strength, the folded wire would have been used as a tension wrench whilst the hairclip, due to its pliability, would have made a perfect tool for picking a variety of locks. Bends along the body of the tension wrench also indicate its use as a rake for determining the position of pins in a more secure type of cylindrical

3. For seven years, Nelson lived in an ‘Eriba Familia BS’ model caravan. Seen here is a key for the caravan accompanied by a keyring picture displaying a photograph of of it parked in Bastion Street, Tooting Broad- way in South London.

4. This piece of wetcast concrete slab, found on Croydon high street is believed to have been used to smash the western facing window of Reeves Furni ture Store. Traces of Nelson’s blood left upon the slab indicate that it was thrust at the window from a close proximity. Made from compounded concrete, mortor and plaster, wetcast concrete slabs are a commonly used material for building walls, paths, bridges and other such decorative garden features.

5. Mortice Sash Locks are used on front doors where both a key and a handle are required to operate the lock. Owing to their cheapness and simplistic design, sashlocks are the most commonly used lock in twenty first century Britain.

6. Nelson ate regularly at Favorite fast food restaurant on Merton Road, Tooting Broadway, South London. Collected here are
the remaining chicken bones of a combo meal consisting of chips, four pieces of fried chicken and a soft drink which Nelson ate just hours before his death, on the 8th August, 2011.

7. This stainless steel ‘Henleys’ identity bracelet was stolen from a small flat in Lime House Estate in Peckham, South London. Marks and scratches on the bracelet indicate that it was worn often.

8. Found in Nelson’s caravan, this Union Jack design mug was used to store Nelson’s cocaine. Preserved here in their found condition are the four crack rocks displayed in their original state, inside Nelson’s mug.

9. Discovered in a bush in Croy- don, this knife has been evi- denced as having once be- longed to Nelson through a single blood stain upon the side face of the blade.

10. This burnt teaspoon was used by Nelson to smoke Heroin and Methamphetamine. Smoking Heroin refers to a process of vaporizing it in order to inhale the resulting fumes. Heroin is most commonly smoked in glass pipes made from glass- blown pyrex tubes and light- bulbs, though it can also be smoked off of aluminium foil or from a spoon which is heated underneath by a flame. Known to users as ‘chasing the dragon’, this process commonly involves the user chasing the fumes with a straw in order to inhale as much as is possible.

11. Nelson often wore an eyebrow piercing. Seen here is the very ring that Nelson was wearing on the night that he lost his life. It is thought that Nelson would have purchased this ring from his local Argos store in Colliers Wood. When Nelson died, the tissue surrounding the piercing was badly bruised and it is therefore thought that Nelson’s death might have been a result of a direct blow to the left side of his head.

*the stories, objects and installations all created by artist, inspired by various real social events. (Vitrines# Donna Hardy see other link)

<Vitrines>, David Lane, 2011




